What It Means If You're Seeing A Lot Of Spider Webs Around Your Nashville Property


What It Means If You're Seeing A Lot Of Spider Webs Around Your Nashville Property

If you're a Nashville property owner, you probably don't ever want to find spiders around your home or business. Even if you're not particularly scared of these eight-legged pests, spiders can be upsetting to discover, and some are even dangerous.

Luckily, most spiders in the Nashville area aren't harmful to humans, but Nashville has both black widows and brown recluse spiders. Both of these spiders have venom that can be medically dangerous to both pets and humans.

While most spiders are just a nuisance, addressing spider problems, in general, can help prevent both non-dangerous and dangerous species. Knowing what the different spiders in the area look like can help you identify them and see if you have dangerous spiders around.

Here are the common spider species:

  • Black widow spiders: These spiders are easy to identify because of their jet black color and the red, hourglass marking on their underbellies.
  • Wolf spiders: While these spiders aren't dangerous, they are quite terrifying, given their large size and thick, furry legs.
  • Brown recluse spiders: These spiders are often misidentified, but the easiest way to tell them apart from other species is that they are a uniform light brown to brown color and have a fiddle-shaped marking behind their heads.
  • House spiders: This refers to a wide range of common, harmless species in the area.

What You Need To Know About Spider Webs

While it's easy to think that spiders often act in similar ways, different species behave differently, including how and where they build their webs. Knowing what their webs look like can help you identify which spider you're dealing with.
Brown recluse spiders build irregular, loose webs in dry, dark areas, and the webbing is an off-white color. They don't use their webs to catch prey but use them as a place to rest.
Black widow spider webs are also an irregular shape and pattern, and they are usually near ground level. They rely on their webs to rest and catch prey, and they don't leave their nest as often as some other species. 
Wolf spiders don't build webs at all but instead live in burrows that they sometimes seal with silk webbing. They also sometimes fill their burrows with pebbles or twigs to keep rainwater out.

Webs Equal Spiders

The more webs you find, the more spiders you likely have around your property. So, if you see a lot of spiders or spider webs, it's a good time to take some active measures to prevent and control an infestation. Here are some tips for doing just that:

  • Remove any webs that you see.
  • Try to get rid of other pests because spiders are attracted to areas where they can easily access prey.
  • Remove access points by fixing broken screens.
  • Install weatherstripping and door sweeps.
  • Keep garages, closets, and crawl spaces decluttered and clean.
  • Get professional pest control help.

How To Keep Spiders Away

There are things you can do on your own to reduce the likelihood of finding spiders around your Nashville property, but the most effective way to prevent and control spider populations is to work with the experts at Urbanex. With over 25 years of experience and our web-free guarantee, our technicians provide the ongoing assistance you need to keep spiders away. Our services will address spiders as well as underlying pest issues that are attracting them. 
It's easy to get started as we provide free inspections. To find out more, or book your no-risk inspection, call today or contact us online.

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