Wasps In Boston: A Comprehensive Guide To Wasp Removal And Prevention


Wasps In Boston: A Comprehensive Guide To Wasp Removal And Prevention

Wasps are insects often found near Boston homes, especially in the spring and summer. Removing their nests can be difficult because wasps are stinging insects. Urbanex’s Boston pest control includes wasp nest removal so you can avoid being stung.

Characteristics Of Common Wasps

Wasps are insects related to bees, which means there can be some similarities between the two species. Wasps have smooth bodies and stingers, while bees are fuzzy and have barbed stingers. Wasps also have a defined “waist” where their abdomen narrows. They can vary in color based on the type of wasp.

There are a few different types of wasps in Boston that you might find around your home. Bald-faced hornets are black with white markings. They’re social wasps, meaning they live in colonies with other wasps. They build paper nests that hang in trees or off of buildings. 

Paper wasps and yellow jackets also build paper nests. Paper wasps are brown and yellow, and yellow jackets are black and yellow. These are both social wasps. 

Mud dauber wasps are a little bit different from the other species. They’re black with lighter markings, and mud daubers are solitary wasps. This means that they do not form colonies. Instead, mud daubers build small nests out of mud only for themselves and their eggs. 

How Dangerous Are Wasps?

The good news is that most wasps are not aggressive. They won’t sting just for fun. However, wasps will sting if they feel threatened, which means you risk being stung when you try to remove a wasp nest. 

Wasps inject venom when they sting. This venom is used to incapacitate their prey or in self-defense. Although the venom does not have the same effects on humans, wasp stings can be painful. Most people experience localized pain, itching, and swelling after a wasp sting. Some people are allergic to wasp venom and will have a more severe reaction. If you experience difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, swelling beyond the sting site, or other serious symptoms, you should seek medical attention. 

Call The Professionals For Wasp Nest Removal

Although wasps are not aggressive, they will sting if they’re provoked. Wasp nest removal must be done carefully to avoid being stung. That’s why Urbanex is your best option for wasp control. We remove wasps from your yard so you and your family can stay safe. 

Effective Tips To Prevent Wasps Around Your Yard

Because wasp removal is best left in the hands of professionals, you should implement these practices to prevent wasps from building nests in your yard:

  • Seal cracks in the walls of your house
  • Keep window screens in good repair
  • Cover food outdoors, including trash cans
  • Avoid wearing scented products outside
  • Install plants that repel wasps

Occasionally, wasps will find a way into your house. This puts you at a greater risk of being stung. Sealing any cracks or holes in the walls and keeping window screens in good condition can prevent wasps from entering your home. 

Although adult wasps typically eat nectar and other sugars, they feed their babies a variety of foods. This means that all kinds of food can attract wasps as they try to feed their offspring. As much as you can, keep food covered outside. This includes outdoor trash cans, which can become a prime food source for wasps. 

Because scent is so important to wasps, implementing the previously mentioned prevention tips around your home will help to keep them away. Scented products, such as perfumes and lotions, can attract wasps. But many plants repel wasps based on their scents. Mint, thyme, lemongrass, and marigolds can all keep wasps away from your yard. 

All of these tips can keep wasps away from your yard. But if you find a wasp nest near your Boston home, call Urbanex for professional home pest control.

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