The Trick To Getting Rid Of Centipedes In Your Boston Home


The Trick To Getting Rid Of Centipedes In Your Boston Home

Centipedes can be found almost anywhere, and Boston is no different. These little bugs can crawl into vents, pipes, windows, doors, and cracks, and end up inside your house or apartment. They can also bite you and your family and take your precious time and energy. If centipedes have infested your home, contact us here at Urbanex, the Boston pest control solution since 2015.

How To Identify A Centipede

Centipede identification can be tricky, but it will help you to get rid of them faster. Centipedes can be distinguished from millipedes by their legs, as centipedes have one pair of legs per segment and millipedes have two. The front limbs of centipedes are called maxillipeds, and these two are fangs (sounds a little scary, right?). Although these insects are mostly flat, they have sharp antennae on their head.

There are different types of centipedes, but the most common kind in Boston is the house centipede, or Scutigera coleoptrata. The house centipede has 15 long pairs of legs and can run rapidly. They can grow up to three or four inches in length, including their legs and antennae.

A female centipede can produce around 150 baby centipedes in her lifetime. Unlike adult centipedes, young centipedes have four sets of legs. They go through six life stages to reach adulthood and get their full sets of legs. If you see baby centipedes in your house, it’s time to call your local pest control for help controlling centipedes in Boston.

Some Types Of Centipedes Are Considered Dangerous

Although some centipedes are not venomous, many of them can pose a health threat to you and your loved ones. Their maxillipeds contain venomous glands that centipedes use to catch and kill their prey.

Unfortunately, centipedes can bite people with their maxillipeds, and these bites can cause or worsen allergic reactions. Children could also be more affected, as more of the centipede’s venom can be injected into their bodies. A larger centipede could also be more dangerous than a smaller one.

How And Why Centipedes Find Their Way Into Your Home

Centipedes feed on insects like roaches and spiders. If you think of it, it’s like having one pest infestation just brings about another one. Seeing dead centipedes around your property is probably a sign of an infestation. Therefore, we suggest seeking professional help immediately if centipedes or other pests are already in your home.

Centipedes in Boston  are also attracted by the warmth and protection that a home provides, especially from the cold winters outdoors. If they find a place to eat and reproduce, there may soon be an infestation. Centipedes can come into your house and hide in cement block walls, boxes, vents, and floor drains. Therefore, a professional home pest inspection is critical to getting rid of centipedes for good.

The Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of Centipedes In Your House

Centipedes can get into your Boston home in different ways, so it is critical to seal any cracks, holes, and gaps in the foundation of your house or around the doors and windows. At Urbanex, our comprehensive pest management program begins with a home inspection, to identify any of these entry points and signs of centipedes. After the inspection, our highly trained specialists will prepare the best plan of action that suits your needs. We’ll proceed to apply treatment, and afterward, provide preventive education and follow-up visits to help you keep a centipede-free home.

Don’t let centipedes take any more of your time. If you are ready to say goodbye to centipedes and say hello to your life again, call Urbanex today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Boston.

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