The Difference Between Centipedes and Millipedes In Nashville


The Difference Between Centipedes and Millipedes In Nashville

Out of all the nuisance pests in the world, the ones that look the creepiest have to be centipedes and millipedes. They're not very commonly found in homes around Nashville, which makes them occasional invaders, but discovering one snaking its way across your living room floor is enough to make anyone's skin crawl. Still, despite their visible similarities, centipedes and millipedes are very different, and each pest has its own unique reason for invading your humble abode.

The Curious Qualities Of Centipedes And Millipedes In Nashville

One of the most interesting facts about centipedes and millipedes is that they're not insects. They're in the same phylum, Arthropoda, but that's where insects and these invertebrates part ways. Centipedes and millipedes are fairly distantly related as well, and despite their physical similarities, they're a lot more different than most people would expect:

  • Centipedes are venomous, millipedes are not
  • Centipedes are carnivorous invertebrates that feed on other invertebrates and even small vertebrates
  • Millipedes are herbivorous scavengers that prefer eating decaying plant matter
  • Centipedes only have one pair of legs per body segment, millipedes have two pair
  • Millipedes have legs that protrude out from the bottom of their bodies, and centipedes have legs that extend from their sides

Regardless of their differences, though, they do tend to infest Nashville homes for generally similar reasons. Centipedes can be food motivated if a home or business already has an undiscovered pest infestation, but they're most likely to invade due to favorable living conditions or inclement weather. Homes that suffer from a lot of water damage are highly susceptible to infestations, and when the weather turns cold, these occasional invaders will seek warmer shelter.

How To Make Your Nashville Property Less Enticing To Centipedes And Millipedes

As nuisance pests, these invertebrates don't introduce dangerous qualities into Nashville homes, but that doesn't make them completely harmless. Centipede venom isn't life-threatening for humans, but getting bitten by one will still hurt, and if handled with bare skin, millipedes can cause skin irritation and rashes. Thankfully, there are lots of easy ways to lessen your chances of an infestation:

  • Remove lawn clippings, mulch piles, and debris from your surrounding property
  • Keep your gutters cleaned out and free of any blockages
  • Address any moisture problems in your home and around your property; poor draining soil, leaky pipes and faucets, over-watered gardens, damaged shingles, extensive water damage, moisture-retaining rooms
  • Seal up any potential entryways around the exterior of your home; siding, foundation, around pipes and wires
  • Replace worn-down insulation around doors and windows
  • Reduce unnecessary clutter around your home; extra items mean extra nesting spots
  • Implement proper food and trash storage to reduce the chances of other pest infestations – airtight containers for food, secure lids on trash cans, wiping down counters and eating areas, etc.

The Most Effective Solution To Centipede And Millipede Control In Nashville

No matter how hard you try to keep them out, prevention is never completely foolproof, and these occasional invaders may still be able to figure out how to get inside your Nashville home. Luckily, with Urbanex on your side, you don't have to battle these pests alone. We make sure our pest experts are prompt, punctual, and thorough for every inspection and treatment we provide, and we always use the highest quality pest control products available that are also family and pet safe. We even offer a money-back guarantee and unlimited re-services, so if you're dissatisfied with our service, it'll be no loss for you. Get in contact with us today and discover the difference we can make for your home.

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